Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I Will Still Love You I Just Won't Love On You

Confession time, I thought Emily was boring and the show was dragging a bit.....prior to last night. There was a lot of goodness to get into. Let's start with the next Bachelor...Allesandro. This guy is a true player. Unless you have carried on a three year romantic relationship with your Cousin you don't know what love is. He straight told Em that he would consider compromising his fabulous life as a gypsy grain merchant in order to be with Emily oh and Ricki. Alle, I get it, I didn't lose it translation and I think any of us who have kids can relate to what you were saying. Tony Tony Tony you made such a rookie mistake. You have to wait to use the "I miss my kid so much card" until you have a chance to seal the deal. You were way premature and it got you sent home. You can't break that loving father act out until the fantasy suite (hope you were watching and taking notes Doug). Is there really a guy named "Wolf" on the show? Has Alejandro (the Colombian ear ring homey) said one word on the show or to Emily? Same for Michael (long hair dude)? Ryan had the classic conversation of the night when he told Emily she better not get lazy with that body, but its cool if she gets fat he will still love her he will just not love on her. I am sorely disappointed in Travis caving to Emily's friends telling him that carrying around a giant egg made him look like a delta bravo. If you are going to use a prop you should be forced to use it for the whole season. I loved that when Emily smashed it you could see all of the guys shadows looking through the window. In the end Stevie Shore got the boot, you can't expect E to keep someone who dances like that around Ricki. The risk of him taking Ricki on daddy daughter dates to fistpump in Karma was just too great. I have the final four and winner pegged and it is: Arie, Chris, Sean and Doug and the winner .....Chris (just a feeling). Finally, when are we going to start mixing in a hot tub?

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