Tuesday, January 27, 2015

I Will Miss You Black Box

Welcome to the picture issue, trying something new this week.

Oh, Julian, it is sad to see you go.  I mean your one on one date went so well, I don't know what happened.  I personally love going out to eat and answering important hypotheticals such as would you rather sleep with a ratchet homeless chick or abstain for 5 years?  Talk about an impossible scenario, is there not a third option?  Well he made out with you Julian, so it is probably a good thing that your hypothetical didn't involve sleeping with a man.  In honor of your departure I thought we would pay homage:

My butt is hungry and it is eating my swimsuit

Should you really have an ipad that close to the pool?



Nice to Meet You Chris' Family
I don't blame Chris for getting rid of her, who really wants to marry a girl with an ipad permanently attached to her butt?  I do have to ask was the black box really necessary all the time, what is she hiding?  Could it be that Julian is a man?  If so I imagine Chris will someday regret this:
Do I feel something on my leg?

 I'm not too worried about the loss of Julian, so long as we have Kaitlyn:
Thanks For Lending Me Your Box, Julian

I loved Kaitlyn's reaction upon learning that not only was Ashley I a virgin, but also Becca.  It was like she saw Bigfoot and the Abominable Snowman at the same time.

While we are on the subject of Virgins:
My Mouth Aint a Virgin
Ashley I is my favorite virgin of all time.  Let's be real 1) Topless; 2) Buddha Belly Button Ring; 3) Looks up to the Kardashians; 4) Aggressive maker outer.  C'mon Ashley, I'm not buying it, and apparently neither is Chris, did you see the look of shock when you told him?

Speaking of shocked, why was Ashley S let go?  She seemed so normal and down to earth:
These Bitches Are Dead To Me

I Love You

Anybody Seen My Medication?
Speaking of creepy, how about the camera man offering to help Kelsey when a bee stung her vijayjay:
Could I rub some ointment on that?
What is more aggravating Kelsey's laugh or Whitney's voice?

I didn't get the Cinderalla Date? What?  But I am the favorite?

Wow, Chris is a real great communicator.
Britt: So Chris are you validating slutty behavior by giving Kaitlyn a rose?
Chris: Umm, eehh, Kaitlyn, errr, uhh, noooorrr, eeyyyy, sooo, well, uhhh, I'm out of here I'm a man.
I must admit I can't quite figure out Jade.  She seemed like such a sweet girl on the Cinderella date (BTW, it was so interesting that ABC did a whole Cinderella re-enactment, is there a Cinderella movie coming out or something?  Stay Tuned.).

Ahh, I'm Jade a sweet young girl from Nebraska

I'm Jade just another Nebraskan Hoe (farming reference) who move to L.A. and owns a pair of stripper hills.
Finally, next week we get to leave the mansion.  We all know it is hard to find true love while living in a mansion and going on local dates.  To find true love you need to travel the world and go on international dates so it should be exceptional.

My power rankings:
1. Britt
2. Jade
3. Whitney

My Fantasy Team:
1. Kelsey
2. Ashley S

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Another AMAZING episode!

Boy Codycode Did a Number on You

Random Thoughts:
1. Did ABC get Ahsley S some medication STAT or what?  In one day she went from being a raving lunatic gunning girls down while screaming “Mesa Verde” to practically not even being on the show. 2. Ashley I is not a virgin.   If your role model is a Kardashian you are not a virgin.  If you though Kim K broke the internet, wait until Ashley I loses her flour (farm reference) to Chris.
J    3. Jimmy Kimmel > Chris Harrison.  It hurts me to say as I personally consider Harrison an icon, I mean he does head up the Mt. Rushmore of hosts (Harrison, Seacrest, Daly, and Lodge) but Kimmel was amazing. 
          4.  My favorite Kimmel joke from the episode “Don’t be yourself, be someone who gives better speeches”

One on One Date: Kaitlyn at Costco
So I may have to stop watching next week’s previews.  The clue about an exclusive club with raised ceilings would have been much funnier had I not known they were already going to Costco.  My only concern with the previews is that if I stop watching and then rewatching in slow motion I might not know if next week will be the most dramatic week yet. 

I loved Kaitlyn’s outfit, I grew up in the 90’s and when she tied that flannel around her waist I could have sworn it was 1994 and I was at a Candlebox concert.  Mixing it with a maxi and it was like the best of 1994 meets the best of 2014, amazing.  

So Kaitlyn is def trying too hard to be the “cool chick”.  Yea I love meat.  Whiskey, duhhh, of course.  Bang 3 chicks on successive nights on the same bed....sure you have to test drive the car, right.  

And did anyone else think she was lying when she said she had dated farmers before.  Maybe it is my keenly trained lawyer eye but she really got flustered when they asked her what kind of farm.  Ummm, you know, ummm the real kind, milking cows and stuff.  

Group Date: The Blurred Out Farm Olympics
Bachelor historians unite.  Has there ever been a contestant get as much bottom blur as Jillian?  Maybe Lucy, but she seemed to have more upper blur and Jillian has yet to wear anything, swimsuit or regular outfit, which does not require a blur of her nether-regions.   

I thought Kimmel did a great job organizing this event.  Is there any better indicator of a future successful marriage than the girl's ability to milk a goat?  A lot of important qualities there.   And Amber I probably better not repeat your comment about things you don't like in your mouth but it is a good thing Chris didn't hear it or you would not have made it to the rose ceremony, immediate disqualification.   

In the end Carly went beast mode and beat out Julian (misspelling on purpose) despite being lactose intolerant, and what does she win......a dress up with Chris to take some American Gothic pics?

The nightcap found Chris making out with each and every one of the girls and Mackenzie asking him why, which was super awkward but actually pretty funny and a decent enough question.  

One on One: Whitney and Chris Get Invited to a Wedding
Oh they weren't invited?  They crashed the wedding?  Ummm okay.  Question 1: That didn't look like iphone footage.  Question 2: Why no blurs on anyone's face, I believe that requires a release.  Question 3:  Where did the fancy clothes come from if you were headed to a winery.  Question 4: You went from walking down to the wedding in broad daylight to in a limo at night being taken to a hotel, what happened in between?  Question 5: How did you know where the reception was?  Question 6: How were you mic'ed up?

Who am I to question.  Withney says she is spontaneous so I better just believe her.  I mean who can't tell she seems like a real wild child who likes to fly by the seat of her pants.

Whitney declared that Chris is an amazing dancer because he does incredible dance moves like the lawnmower, the sprinkler, the fishing pole etc...  Whitney, I hate to break it to you but those are the go to moves of those that can't dance.  Every white person knows this and has done one or all of those moves at some awkward point in their lives.  

Cocktail Party errrrrrr Pool Party errrrrr Baggage Party errrrr Take Chris Anywhere But the Pool Party:
Jimmy breaks the news that no cocktail party tonight, however there will be a pool party.  Ashley I  is devastated that she doesn't get to break out her Kardashian look, oh and what do you know Jillian is blurred again.  

Juelia sees the pool party as an amazing opportunity to let Chris know that her husband killed himself.  You know the natural sequence hey pool party....bikinis.....cocktails.......beach balls......chicken fights.......husband kills himself.......sobbing.......back to Jillian's blur.

This brings up an interesting discussion re: strategy.  When do you go to the well with the psycho family drama.  It clearly will you get a rose for that week, but if you go to early you have nothing else to use for future roses.  Obviously it probably depends on how hot you are and how much weird stuff you are wearing on your head.  Clearly when Juelia decided to break out the stuff she was wearing on her head she was not getting a rose so she was probably right to go with the suicide card, but she is in a real pickle now, because I don't know how she can top it.  Maybe go with....after the suicide I became addicted to meth......went to rehab......now know not to sweat the small things in life.....am really open to finding love.   

Uh oh Jade brought her stripper heels to the pool party and is taking Chris back to his place (did Chris spend anytime at the pool, during the pool party).  Big time make out back in the pad while Jillian patiently await in Chris' hot tub.  So I think Codycode maybe got Chris a little too bulky.  It appears without 6 hours of pumping iron a day combined with protein IV's that Chris' bulk is turning a little flabby.  When him and Jade were getting down I got a little excited as I swore I saw a boob.  I was so shocked that ABC would show such nudity that I had to rewind it only to learn that my excitement actually came from seeing Chris' nipple and large moob.  I've spent the entire day trying to sort out this confusion, but I think I may need therapy.  To make matters worse Chris proceeded to make out with Julian it is all getting very confusing. 

Megan admits she looks like a crackwhore.  Ashley I melts down.  Britt's convo doesn't go so great so she just starts making out mid-sentence (actually not a bad move).  

In the end Tracy, Amber and Trina get the boot, nothing to see there.  Harrison stalks Kimmel during the rose ceremony to make sure he doesn't mess it up which was kinda creepy.  Kimmel in the limo was spot on "we spent four days together", very entertaining.  See you next week when it appears that Ashley I will no longer be a virgin.     

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mesa Verde!!!!Virgins!!!!Rugs!!!!!

Didn't Kimberly not get a rose, why is she still here?  And does anyone else notice that it was light outside by the time the rose ceremony was over.  What is Chris doing, giving one rose every 45 minutes. Kimberly begs to stay and Chris replies with ahhhh we've been here all night, you can stay, I'll just get rid of you at the end of this episode.  Why be humiliated once when you could do it twice?

Jordan is still drinking.

Group date involved girls in bikinis on tractors.  Have these girls never seen Seinfeld:
Apparently not, or they would not have been so gung ho to hop on a tractor while in a bikini.

Jordan is still drinking.

Mackenzie (mom of Romaine) gets one on one time with Chris and spends it asking him about his huge nose and belief in aliens.  At least it wasn't awkward. 

Juelia's ex-husband killed himself.

Meanwhile, back at the house Jillian decides to break-in to Farmer's residence which is now on the premises of the bachelor mansion.  Jillian apparently decided to vandalize Chris' place in a thong as she got the unfortunate black block blur to cover her booty.  And on the way out, what do we have here, a black block blur to cover the coochie as well.  What kind of bikini bottom was she wearing?  Was she bottomless?  If so, this seems to be an interesting trend, topless was so 2000, it's 2015 wear a top sans bottom.  

Ashley I is a virgin and Mackenzie could not be more jealous.  Mackenzie lost her virginity to Cabbage and it produced a Kale.  Wow, look at Ashley I make out with Chris, not exactly timid oh and rub my bellybutton ring for three wishes!  It seems if she is a virgin it is clearly the Utah kind, you know the ones, lots of o*#@, a*#@!, h@*^ j***, docking, brick ovening, etc.., but still a virgin.

Jordan is still drinking.

Megan and Chris go on a one-on-one to the Grand Canyon where she lets him know her dad died and so they should make out, which they do.

Jordan is still drinking.

Let's get to the last group date a zombie action adventure where the girls are told to shoot the zombies and find the beacon.  So the girls head out, start shootin and Ashley S pretty much loses her mind she starts firing on zombies that are already down and nearly shoots the other girls and as she is doing this she continually shouts the war cry "Mesa Verde"??????  Am I missing something?  Mesa Verde = A National Park in Colorado.  Considering that they drove to this date from Malibu, something tells me they aren't in Colorado.  Perhaps this is a pop culture reference I am unaware of, otherwise Ashley S has seriously lost her mind.  Not surprisingly she ends up getting a rose.

After the cocktail party I think Chris has now made out with Ashley I, Britt, Whitney, Amber, Megan, Kaitlyn.  He if it fields good do it (farm reference). 

The rose ceremony is one of the best of all time.  Chris mumbles Juelia and Jillian thinks it is her and jumps out of the gates, one problem, the rug is pulled out from under her (literally) when Chris tells her he said Juelia.  Between Tara nearly passing out last week and Jillian falling down this week the rose ceremonies have been quite entertaining.     

Alissa (flight attendant), Tara, Kimberly (second time), Drunk Jordan are told to beet it (farm reference). 


Find a Soulesmate at farmersonly.com

You Want True Love You Gotta Beef Up Son

So, I've been told that if you want someone to pay attention to you, you have to ignore them to make them really want it.  Hence, I have not been blogging for two weeks....tying to build a little anticipation, I hope I don't disappoint.

Why has the Bachelor never done a red carpet/3 hour premiere?  I thought it was amazing and I could have watched for another 2 hours, easy.

It is great to see that Andi and Josh are happily in love and ready to get married and have babies.  Wait, they broke up the next day?  Noooooooo.  How?  What guy wouldn't want a girl constantly talking over you?  Who wouldn't want a girl that slept with a dude the day before she chose you?  Consider me baffled.

Oh and Nikki is back, could Harrison be chomping more at the bit?  Harrison could barely contain himself and the opportunity to officially destroy Who Pablo.
Harrison: So Nikki did it just suck being with a loser who would not say on national TV that he loved you, even when I insisted that he do so? 
Nikki: No, he is a great guy, we were just different.
Harrison: Oh, I see, so he physically abused you right?
Nikki: No, we were just different.
Harrison: I get it, I get it, he is a cokesnorting sex addict.

Hey Nik, you look a little different.....I approve of the two changes.

I was shocked to see Chris Bukowski in every shot on the red carpet.  No one saw that coming, but where was Elise?

Finally onto the main event, Chris Soules the farmer is finally here.  Oh and he put in some time with Codycode and is lookin fiiiiiiiiiiine (sidebar: how did Money and Codycode not work out?, they seemed like a perfect match).

I for one will never get tired of the farm references, puns and play-on-words it is clever, intelligent, comedy gold.  On that note lets go straight to:

Kaitlyn: You can plow the *&#* out of my field anytime, followed by her insisting on telling a joke about a tight seal, immediately after Chris telling the ladies how serious he is taking this process.  Not to mention she has tats on each elbow.  Ding, ding, ding we have a winner. 

Britt: This girl is hot, why exactly is she on Hollywood Blvd. giving out free hugs?  I did like the idea of giving  free hug coupon to Chris, I give out coupons as gifts all the time and my lady loves it.

Whitney: A fertility nurse whose voice would keep anyone from getting pregnant.   For real that voice is painful.

Ashley I:  Good looking girl, but no way she is moving from Jersey to a farm in Iowa.  

Tara and Jordan: Could someone please get these ladies a drink they seem like they need to loosen up.  These two are definitely here to find true love......or free drinks.

Mackenzie: Has a son named Kale.  Hey this could work, she named her son after produce, what farmer wouldn't appreciate that.  I personally would have went with Arugula.

Tandra: From Utah and named Tandra, go figure.

Michelle: From Utah and cousin of my sister-in-law, got eliminated.  Too bad, I would have really liked an insider for the blog.  Michell, I still would like an interview for the blog, let me know when you want to do it.

Shockingly the two drunks got roses, but my early favorites to take home the bacon (farm reference) are Kelsey, Britt and Megan.   Whatever happens this season promises to be epic as these wonderful ladies try to navigate this maize (farm reference) on their journey to find true love.