Monday, September 8, 2008

Seriously.......Who Wouldn't Be Mad If An In-Law Messed Up the Tivo?

Tivo drama, last night on The Hills. Hurricane Holly Montag moved into the Pratt's crib and before she had even unpacked she went ahead and messed up the Tivo, causing Spencer to meltdown and drive to Heidi's work to call her out for an emergency heart to heart.

Some might say Spencer overreacted. Others might agree with Heidi when she told him maybe he should leave the pad more often. However, FP the contrarian, has a soft spot for those who have been victimized, either by a loved one or their own DVR box, and lost that season premiere 90210 (Laura I empathize).

I think they really should have told us what 3 shows got deleted by the less sexy Montag.

I mean who would pass judgment on Spencer if she deleted:
1) The season finale of Lost; and
2) The Michael Phelps gold medal race vs. the French in the 4 X 100 relay; and
3) The final rose ceremony for DeAnna on the Bachelorette

That would certainly be more understandable than if she deleted:
1) The BYU v. Northern Iowa game; and
2) Rerun of Flavor of Love Girls: Charm School; and
3) Yesterday's episode of the Tyra Banks show

I guess what I am getting at is don't judge Spencer's reaction until you know what was deleted.

While we are on the discussion of DVR, I found a very illuminating study. I must say I have had this hypothesis for years now, and it is always nice to see your scientific theories turned into factual data:

I did expect a little more out of last night's episode, but at least it ended on a good note, Brody and Doug in jail. Someone must have insulted their styling attire or their occupations and got a beat down. Here is how I envision it went down:

Heckler: Hey Doug has anyone ever told you that you are strikingly handsome, athletic, and intelligent?

Doug: Actually I said that about myself on my website.

Heckler: What do you need a website for, you don't have a job.

Cue to Brody giving the heckler an intense yet sexy glare.

Brody: We have jobs punk, don't you know that we go to clubs for a living.

Heckler: Is that really a job?

The beat down ensues until the police show up and billy club our heroes Brody and Doug.

I know this post is getting exceptionally long, but I must touch on the new Brody Jenner show which is being produced by none other than Ryan Seacrest Productions which brought us such hits as Keeping up With the Kardashians and Denise Richards Colon It's Complicated.

The title of the show, BROMANCE, stars Jenner as a bro in need of another bro to join his entourage, as if Frankie and Doug aren't enough. This has hit written all over it. If it were a FP Production, I would have Spencer show up on the last episode and have them go on a romantic date. Brody would dismiss all of the other competitors/suitors and he and Spencer would make up and exchange promise rings as a token of their BROMANCE.

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