Monday, July 21, 2008

Dovikivati glasno ka Serbia

So last month I linked free parking to Google Analytics, mainly so I could look at the cool map with all the different colors from where hits to the site are coming from. I could look at maps for hours and I think if I were to redo my life I would be a geographer.

I currently have readers in four countries but the blog is really blowing up in Serbia, hence the Serbian title. For those who wish to translate the title go to , you will have to type in each word individually.

So to appease my Serbian fans lets talk Serbia:

How about my man Prince Nemanja, he was a classic rags to Prince story: Nemanja had a humble childhood in an uncomfortable house made of solid stone, with cotton and cloth-made curtains to protect the interior from the sun and the doors and floor covered by many-coloured sheets, before dominating and becoming a Prince later in life.........nice work.


Milla Jovovich seems to be a good person. She starred in Resident Evil and the Fifth Element.

Nikola Tesla invented the radio, thats right you are listening to Dr. Laura because of Serb Nikola Tesla. Not to mention he invented a particle beam weapon which dispensed a narrow stream of atomic clusters of liquid mercury (how awesome is that, and why are these not being sold mainstream?).

So, I must say it sure is nice that in 2006 Serbia finally went legitimate and got rid of Montenegro. It was hard to take you seriously in the Olympics when your team name was Serbia and Montenegro. You don't see the U.S.A. entering the World Cup as the U.S.A. and Mexico just to improve our chances or you don't see us entering our hockey team as the U.S.A. and Canada.

Also I got your back and I am also not going to recognize Kosovo's declaration of independence. I know this could be considered an act of treason in the U.S. , however so long as the support of the blog continues my support of your claim over Kosovo will remain. You can't just declare independence.

Finally, screw Milosevic.

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