Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Why No Blog Last Week?...The ??? Post

Can You Believe I Still Here?

Each season I like to dedicate a weekly summary to nothing but ???...Sorry no answers from me, you can provide the answers (preferably in the comment section of facebook so everyone can see how many readers I have)

Now to the questions....

Why was there no blog last week?  Isn't this your job?  Didn't you find the fact that Josh quit baseball so he could get married not because his career minor league batting average was .213 funny enough to blog?

One on One: Nick
Do you not get along with the guys because you are a dick or just super confident of your love?  When are you going to start being nice to Cody?

Group Date: Lie Detector Test
Can you get diarrhea from not washing your hands?  Can you get disease like symptoms from admitting to having slept with more than 20 women?  How do you get a rose after crapping yourself?  Is there any chance that the guy who lied three times wasn't Josh?  Has Andi ever FOUGHT in public?  Why is Josh talking so fast? and getting so agro over the lie test?  Could it be becaue he is not here for the right reasons?  Does anyone else miss the right reasons rap from Des' season?     

One on One Cody:
How did Cody change his perception from an idiot meathead to Sean Lowe Jr. in 7 minutes?  Could he be more sincere? and upbeat?  Could he wear a deeper V?  Did Andi wear pants on this date?  Are those pants or are we about to meet virginia?  Did pants give Andi those pants?  Did pants get sent home due to giving Andi poor pants advice?

Rose Ceremony:
Is that side boob? 


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I'll Make Love To You....as long as you don't call me an actress.


I had good intentions of going with two posts this week but like the 5 of Hearts I failed.   So let's just pretend it was a four hour episode. 

One on One: Nick
Nick and Andi have dinner at the SB Courthouse and not to be “that guy”, but I just happen to be a regular at the SB Courthouse and I just happen to have numerous 7 figure lawsuits pending at the SB Courthouse, no big deal (if you or a loved one has been injured while visiting Santa Barbara please call 855-NPNLAW1 for your free consultation).  Nick and Andi make out no real surprises, they love each other and he is a big favorite right now.   

Group Date: I'll Make Love To You (sings Tasos to all of the dudes)
This group date just happens to be one of my life’s biggest regrets.  Let’s just say I had notice and the opportunity to be present at the Boyz II Men performance and for some unknown reason I did not make it happen.  I really can’t explain why...no my child was not being born, so I can’t think of another adequate reason, other than I straight messed up.

Shockingly, none of the dudes can sing (not even Bradley) and make a mockery of one of my favorite groups of all time.  This date was so ridiculous that it was almost the end of the road for me, but it's so hard to say goodbye to such a great show so I'll keep watching.

Oh and how classic was it when Josh was cradling Tasos as Tasos serenaded him with I'll make love to you, yeah Tasos we know.    

One on One: Panstaprenuer
Pants shows up and learns that he will spend the next four hours in a chair being made into an 80 year old pedophile.  I was pantsy with panticipation to see how the public was going to receive these two old lovebirds.  I hope no one pantaganizes them.  Sure enough Pants and Andi had some crazy pantics planned....making out........taking selfies......playing football, hilarious (actually the football was pretty funny). 
Cocktail Party Drama:
Pants decides to let Josh in on a little secret about Andrew and his wandering eyes and his ability to get girls' digits.  Josh is just disgusted by this and he and Pants chase Andrew up the stairs.  Surprisingly someone hasn't run to taddle yet.   Not surprisingly Bradley and Brett are gone. 

One on One: Dylan

I usually love clowning on the contestant who can't wait to unload their baggage in a weak attempt at getting a pity rose.  However, it is a bit hard to clown a dude who lost his brother and sister to drugs.  Give him the non pity rose and bounce him next week.  Too boring, too much baggage and hair too wet all of the time.   

Group Date: Basketball
I guess it's time to alienate 95% of my readership.  I think the WNBA game was fake.  Admittedly many of the dudes were bad, but no way the WNBA's were dominating like that.  ABC, I personally would play any WNBA player one on one: I win I get a one one one date with Harrison, I lose I will donate $5,000 to whatever your latest stripper charity is.   

I thought the boys basketball game was hilarious.  I gotta give Brian props for his block on Chris, I want a poster of that.   Why is Josh so horrible, isn't he a former pro athlete?
One on One: Marcus
you can do it, trust me, you can do it, look at me, don't look down, i'm here for you, trust me, don't worry, I am here, look at me, trust me, don't look down just trust me, i'm here, you are ok i've got you, trust me, we can get through this together, together we can do this, trust me, trust me, we can do this blah blah blah blah blah.  It happens every season, do something scary, pretend like you can't do it and rely on the other person to help you through the ordeal.

What was with the weird dancing on a platform above 225 leering women at a bizarre county event at an Indian Casino?  Not a single dude in the audience?  There was a point where 3 of the women were just melting with how in love they were.....really weird.

Cocktail Party: 
I am going to bypass summarizing the cocktail party in honor of Eric.