Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mesa Verde!!!!Virgins!!!!Rugs!!!!!

Didn't Kimberly not get a rose, why is she still here?  And does anyone else notice that it was light outside by the time the rose ceremony was over.  What is Chris doing, giving one rose every 45 minutes. Kimberly begs to stay and Chris replies with ahhhh we've been here all night, you can stay, I'll just get rid of you at the end of this episode.  Why be humiliated once when you could do it twice?

Jordan is still drinking.

Group date involved girls in bikinis on tractors.  Have these girls never seen Seinfeld:
Apparently not, or they would not have been so gung ho to hop on a tractor while in a bikini.

Jordan is still drinking.

Mackenzie (mom of Romaine) gets one on one time with Chris and spends it asking him about his huge nose and belief in aliens.  At least it wasn't awkward. 

Juelia's ex-husband killed himself.

Meanwhile, back at the house Jillian decides to break-in to Farmer's residence which is now on the premises of the bachelor mansion.  Jillian apparently decided to vandalize Chris' place in a thong as she got the unfortunate black block blur to cover her booty.  And on the way out, what do we have here, a black block blur to cover the coochie as well.  What kind of bikini bottom was she wearing?  Was she bottomless?  If so, this seems to be an interesting trend, topless was so 2000, it's 2015 wear a top sans bottom.  

Ashley I is a virgin and Mackenzie could not be more jealous.  Mackenzie lost her virginity to Cabbage and it produced a Kale.  Wow, look at Ashley I make out with Chris, not exactly timid oh and rub my bellybutton ring for three wishes!  It seems if she is a virgin it is clearly the Utah kind, you know the ones, lots of o*#@, a*#@!, h@*^ j***, docking, brick ovening, etc.., but still a virgin.

Jordan is still drinking.

Megan and Chris go on a one-on-one to the Grand Canyon where she lets him know her dad died and so they should make out, which they do.

Jordan is still drinking.

Let's get to the last group date a zombie action adventure where the girls are told to shoot the zombies and find the beacon.  So the girls head out, start shootin and Ashley S pretty much loses her mind she starts firing on zombies that are already down and nearly shoots the other girls and as she is doing this she continually shouts the war cry "Mesa Verde"??????  Am I missing something?  Mesa Verde = A National Park in Colorado.  Considering that they drove to this date from Malibu, something tells me they aren't in Colorado.  Perhaps this is a pop culture reference I am unaware of, otherwise Ashley S has seriously lost her mind.  Not surprisingly she ends up getting a rose.

After the cocktail party I think Chris has now made out with Ashley I, Britt, Whitney, Amber, Megan, Kaitlyn.  He if it fields good do it (farm reference). 

The rose ceremony is one of the best of all time.  Chris mumbles Juelia and Jillian thinks it is her and jumps out of the gates, one problem, the rug is pulled out from under her (literally) when Chris tells her he said Juelia.  Between Tara nearly passing out last week and Jillian falling down this week the rose ceremonies have been quite entertaining.     

Alissa (flight attendant), Tara, Kimberly (second time), Drunk Jordan are told to beet it (farm reference). 


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