Friday, September 19, 2008

This Week on TV

The Hills:
Was The Hills on this week? By the time I went to blog about it I couldn't remember what happened.

So I must say 90210 is not disappointing. It is great teen drama with a twist. The twist being the positive message and agenda they are promoting. They have family night and all of the neglected teens want to be a part of it. The adopted black child gave a speech on the ills of drugs and alcohol. The effect that an adulterous affair has on a child is front and center. I could probably go on, but we all get the point, which is your children should be watching this.

One Tree Hill:
At this moment it is quite simply the show I look forward to the most each week. I welled up when Q's brother took his place in line with the b-ball team. If you are not watching, you need to get with it, how can you really consider yourself cool and hip if you are not up on OTH?

The Island:
So every year I begin the year with the following rhetorical question: how long are you going to continue to watch the real world/road rules/real world road rules challenges....are you ever going to be too old/mature for it.....are you a bad example to your watching these shows a sin? I then proceed to watch them with unabashed dedication. Although it was advertised as different from past challenges The Island is pretty much the same as always......Alcohol Abuse and Debauchery, yet I can't look away. I was sad to see Abram go this week, I think him and Wes are the best challenge competitors of all time. The main questions left to be resolved: When will Dunbar snap? When will Johana be impregnated (this may have already happened)? Will Derrick's training finally pay off with a coveted challenge victory? I will definitely be tuned in for the ever important answers.

With new shows coming back this week should be a much better TV week. I was so bored with TV this week that I actually turned it off during prime time and played with my child.

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